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Scott McIntyre, Social Media, and Company Policy

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Scott McIntyre source: twitter

Social media and company policy.

Two of the things that are often seen to be in conflict with each other, and have been the subject of an unknown number of discussions, and unfair dismissal complaints.

These have both come to national attention lately with the comments and subsequent termination of former SBS Football Reporter/Presenter, Scott McIntyre.

While I am not going to repost or repeat his tweet here, SBS found the numerous tweets to be inappropriate and in breach of both their Code of Conduct, and Social Media Policy.

What makes this example interesting is that every backyard lawyer is coming out of the woodwork saying SBS is silencing free speech. Actually, there are even lawyers and barristers saying the same thing.

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Workplace Bullyingvvvv

Can Workplace Bullying Be Prevented?

Can Workplace Bullying Be Prevented?
Photo Credit: oligarh2 via Compfight cc

In the previous article I discussed what workplace bullying is, and gave an example of a behaviours that could be classified as workplace bullying.

With this piece I will go over a few things that your business can do to minimise the chances of one of your staff members falling prey to a workplace bully.

With workplace bullying being a high profile subject at the moment, it seems that every second day there is some major headline about it. Depending on who you talk to, Australian workplaces are either a breeding ground for workplace bullies, or a random occurrence.

Capitalising on that, there are some who claim that doing X, Y or Z will prevent workplace bullying from happening.

Unfortunately, the truth of the matter is that while you are employing humans who are able to think for themselves, bullying in the workplace may happen, though there are steps you can take to minimise your risk to it.

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Workplace Bullying. Is It Or Isn’t It?

Do you know what workplace bullying looks like?

Could you easily define it as behaviour x?

Or, does it depend on the workplace, and who is involved?

Consider for a minute the two clips below, from the Channel 10 program Studio 10, with both featuring Sarah Harris and Joe Hildebrand.

Clip #1, titled Joe Gets Creamed shows Joe having an ice cream shoved in his face a number of times by Sarah.

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5 Tools Everyone In Industrial Relations Should Be Using

Industrial Relations is one of those interesting areas where despite very little changing legislation wise, there is always something happening in it.

As industrial relations professionals, we need to stay abreast of these changes, and developments. One of the easiest ways to do this is through the use of technology.

With this in mind, and in no particular order are 5 essential tools that I believe every industrial relations practitioner should be using.


Ever since I discovered this app in 2011, I have been a full blown convert to it, and would be lost without it. The software is useable across all platforms and devices. Something that you start on your Mac or PC can be synced with, and continued on your smartphone/tablet.

Not only are there browser plugins that will allow you to clip webpages to be stored in Evernote, there are apps that will allow you to draw free-hand, and even a smart notebook from Moleskine that has been created with Evernote in mind.

With both paid and free versions of Evernote available, it won’t cost you anything to try it out. In fact, if you follow the link, and install Evernote on you computer, you will get free access to the premium version for one month.

Google Drive

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Episode 08: IR Simplified Podcast

In this episode of the IR Simplified Podcast I dispel some of the most common myths surrounding industrial relations. * Industrial Relations is all about fighting with unions * The Fair Work Act is the enemy of business * Without a degree you are wasting your time * The unions are out to shut businesses … Read more

Episode 06 – IR Simplified Podcast

Episode 06: IR Simplified Podcast

This episode is dedicated to answering listener questions.

The first question comes from Simon in Templestowe who asks a question about termination of employment.

The second question comes from Tania in Brisbane who asks a question about enterprise agreements.

There is also the opportunity for listeners to receive a massive 50% discount off the price of a premium access pass to the IR mini Summit in February.

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Episode 05 – IR Simplified Podcast

In this episode I will talk about:

  • the behaviour of CFMEU organisers and why no one should accept that sort of behaviour, let alone the union movement
  • an article that appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald about the infantilisation of workers
  • why we must do all that we can to increase workplace communication
  • why I think enterprise associations will be the new black for Australian businesses, and
  • whether a minimum leave requirement is a good thing or bad thing for your workplace.

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Episode 04 – IR Simplified Podcast

In this episode, I will talk about the continual doom and gloom comments by industry groups, those IR practitioners who mimic their comments,  clarifying some confusing points about enterprise agreements, and whats in store in the coming IR mini Summit. Australian Industrial Relations group on LinkedIn IR Simplified mini Summit