Unfair Dismissal
Workplace Investigations and the Support Person (Updated 2019)
Support person. It is one of those areas of workplace investigations that causes no end of confusion. When I first wrote this article, I had the belief that during a workplace investigation, the employee is only able to bring in a support person. Lately, my thoughts have changed on that one, and this article will … Read more
Episode 40 IR Simplified Podcast. Small Business Fair Dismissal Code
Today’s episode of the IR Simplified podcast is about the small business fair dismissal code. I talk about what it is, who it applies to, and how to use it. Remember to check out Industrial Relations Today, and add your name to the mailing list to be one of the first to know what’s happening and when. … Read more
ep39. Performance Management
In this episode of the IR Simplified podcast, I talk a performance management and why managers shouldn’t be scared of managing underperforming staff. Remember to check out Industrial Relations Today, and add your name to the mailing list to be one of the first to know what’s happening and when. The coming webinars that will be hosted … Read more
Episode 27: Unfair Dismissals Part 5 – Continuing Negotiations
Unfair Dismissals Part 5
Continuing Negotiations
In this episode of the IR Simplified podcast I continue the series on Unfair Dismissal, with a discussion on continuing negotiations
This is an important part of the unfair dismissal application process.
You have participated in the conciliation conference, though weren’t able to seek a resolution.
Before you attend the Fair Work Commission for the hearing, you should still try and see a solution.
More often than not, an agreement reached before arbitration can be in the best interests of both parties.
The next episode is on how to prepare for the FWC hearing.
Episode 25: IR Simplified Podcast. Unfair Dismissals Part 4 – Conciliation
Unfair Dismissals Part 4 – Conciliation
This episode of the IR Simplified Podcast continues the series on unfair dismissals, with part 4. The Conciliation.
The conciliation part of the unfair dismissal process with the Fair Work Commission is with an impartial conci
iator to try and reach a conclusion to the application without it having to go to a public hearing.
I also discuss some of the things that you should and shouldn’t do during the conciliation conference.
Make sure you head on over to Industrial Relations Today and join the mailing list to be one of the first to know when the site goes live, and who the contributors are.
Episode 24: IR Simplified Podcast
Today’s episode of the IR Simplified podcast continues the series on Unfair Dismissals, this time I am talking about the Employer’s Response to an application for an unfair dismissal remedy. You can read the scenario of John Smith and Acme Widgets here. The employer’s response to John Smith’s application is here You can find the … Read more
Unfair Dismissal. The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly
On one side of the coin, you have business groups, and those pandering to that agenda telling anyone and everyone who will listen how Australia’s unfair dismissal laws are restrictive and holding business back from employing more people.
Then on the other side of the coin are the unions and The Greens who say that the laws don’t go far enough to protect workers.
With both sides getting time in the press, who is the business owner to believe?