Episode 53: Penalty Rates and Registered Organisations

In this episode of the IR Simplified Podcast, I talk about the application by AiGroup and HABA to vary the Hair and Beauty Industry Award to reduce Sunday and Public Holiday penalty rates.

I also share my thoughts on Registered Organisations, and why I don’t think they are worth joining.

IR Simplified Podcast – Episode 10

In this episode I talk about the cost that sick leave has on the economy, and that we need to move away from the archaic way that we very personal/carer’s leave. It’s time we stopped this allocation of limited days and moved to unlimited sick leave. You can join the discussion on LinkedIn, in the … Read more

Episode 04 – IR Simplified Podcast

In this episode, I will talk about the continual doom and gloom comments by industry groups, those IR practitioners who mimic their comments,  clarifying some confusing points about enterprise agreements, and whats in store in the coming IR mini Summit. Australian Industrial Relations group on LinkedIn IR Simplified mini Summit

Who’s To Blame? The Act or Industry?

Productivity and wages blowout.

These terms are two of the most common ones used as ‘proof’ that the Fair Work Act 2009 is a failure.

Those on the industry side of the fence are all too quick to point out that because productivity is the lowest that it has been in a decade, and wages growth is high, that the Fair Work Act has indeed failed.

Has the Fair Work Act actually failed, or are they just scaremongering to increase public awareness of their brand/increase membership?

If the Fair Work Act has indeed failed, how much of this failure is the fault of industry?

I think they have short memories when it comes to the wages that they offered at the start of the mining boom. Bribing potential employees with the high wages to prevent a skills gap when mining took off.

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