Episode 53: Penalty Rates and Registered Organisations

In this episode of the IR Simplified Podcast, I talk about the application by AiGroup and HABA to vary the Hair and Beauty Industry Award to reduce Sunday and Public Holiday penalty rates.

I also share my thoughts on Registered Organisations, and why I don’t think they are worth joining.

Episode 27: Unfair Dismissals Part 5 – Continuing Negotiations

Episode 27: Unfair Dismissals Part 5 - Continuing Negotiations
IR Simplified Podcast Episode 27
Unfair Dismissals Part 5
Continuing Negotiations

In this episode of the IR Simplified podcast I continue the series on Unfair Dismissal, with a discussion on continuing negotiations

This is an important part of the unfair dismissal application process.

You have participated in the conciliation conference, though weren’t able to seek a resolution.

Before you attend the Fair Work Commission for the hearing, you should still try and see a solution.

More often than not, an agreement reached before arbitration can be in the best interests of both parties.

The next episode is on how to prepare for the FWC hearing.

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Episode 19: IR Simplified Podcast

IR Simplified Podcast: Episode 19 Enterprise Agreements Part 8
IR Simplified Podcast: Episode 19
Enterprise Agreements Part 8

Your enterprise agreement has come back from the Fair Work Commission, all signed off and approved.

Does this mean you can forget about it until just before the nominal expiry date?

In this episode I explain why planning for the next agreement should begin when the current one comes back from the Fair Work Commission.

You can find out more about the course “Understanding IR” by clicking here

You can subscribe to the IR Simplified newsletter by following this link.

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Episode 15: IR Simplified Podcast

IR Simplified Podcast, Episode 14
IR Simplified Podcast, Episode 15
Why Businesses Need To Adopt An Unlimited Personal/Carer’s Leave Policy

Episode 15 of the IR Simplified podcast continues the discussion on unlimited personal/carer’s leave.

Following on from the discussion started in episode 10, I go a little deeper into the reasons why I think every business should adopt an unlimited leave policy.

You can subscribe to the IR Simplified newsletter by following this link.

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Episode 05 – IR Simplified Podcast

In this episode I will talk about:

  • the behaviour of CFMEU organisers and why no one should accept that sort of behaviour, let alone the union movement
  • an article that appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald about the infantilisation of workers
  • why we must do all that we can to increase workplace communication
  • why I think enterprise associations will be the new black for Australian businesses, and
  • whether a minimum leave requirement is a good thing or bad thing for your workplace.

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