Bullying and Harassment, Sacked for sleeping on a break, workplace investigation tips, and Q & A about first aiders in the workplace.

In episode 77 of the IR Simplified podcast, I add a few more thoughts and comments to a recent LinkedIn update of mine about workplace bullying and harassment.

Then there is the news that two employees were sacked for sleeping during their break.

I also share a few things that those conducting a workplace investigation should remember.

The episode ends with a short Q and A about first aiders in the workplace.

Links mentioned:

LinkedIn update: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6493254027466412032

Sacked for napping on an unpaid break: https://www.canberratimes.com.au/national/act/fair-work-to-decide-if-you-can-be-sacked-for-a-nap-on-your-unpaid-break-20190121-p50smu.html

Things to remember when conducting a workplace investigation: https://irsimplified.com.au/7-simple-but-important-things-to-remember-about-workplace-investigations/

Q & A: First aiders in the workplace: https://irsimplified.com.au/qa-first-aiders-in-the-workplace/

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