Episode 56: Does Your Workplace Have An Employee Engagement Officer, and What Are They?

In this episode of the IR Simplified podcast I talk about businesses needing an employee engagement officer to improve industrial relations.

I also explain why this position shouldn’t be one that is done by the human resources department.

This ties in good with the Sun Tzu’s passage on the use of spies in his book “the Art of War”.

I also give a little but of a shambles plug for the book that I am writing called “the Art of War for Industrial Relations”.

Episode 55: Protecting Vulnerable Workers, Enterprise Associations, and Lawyers in IR

In episode 55 of the IR Simplified podcast, I talk about; the passing by the Senate of the Fair Work Amendment (Protecting Vulnerable Workers) Bill, and what it means for business; I also talk about enterprise associations; and that you don’t need to use a lawyer to go to the Fair Work Commission.

Episode 53: Penalty Rates and Registered Organisations

In this episode of the IR Simplified Podcast, I talk about the application by AiGroup and HABA to vary the Hair and Beauty Industry Award to reduce Sunday and Public Holiday penalty rates.

I also share my thoughts on Registered Organisations, and why I don’t think they are worth joining.

Episode 46 IR Simplified Podcast. Managing Employee Absences

In this episode of the IR Simplified podcast, I talk about managing employee absences. These absences can range from an employee repeatedly turning up late to work, taking time off, or even abandoning their employment. Remember to check out Industrial Relations Today, and add your name to the mailing list to be one of the first to know … Read more