What’s Ahead For 2019?

Here we are, the first day of 2019.

As with all new years, we are all busy making plans on what we want to achieve for the year.

This is what I have on the drawing board for the year.


The IR Simplified Memos will be a subscription-based service where we will work on actually simplifying industrial relations.

In each edition will be a discussion on the “big thing” for the past month, or any relevant Fair Work Commission decisions, and how it may impact your business.

There will be a plan to help you simplify industrial relations either by being prepared for something that may happen, (unfair dismissal, Union RoE, etc), or simplifying the policy documents that you have.

(There will be more, though this is just the start).

Edition 00 is out, and you can read that one by simply becoming a subscriber here.


The IR Simplified podcast will be launching again next week.

They will be coming out every Monday and will feature a discussion on what’s happened in the past week, along with a few pointers on something IR related.

Your Questions Answered

Every Friday, I will be answering a question on an industrial relations related topic.

If you have a question related to the National Employment Standards, minimum qualifying periods, unfair dismissal, etc. This will be the place where they get answered.

General Articles

Every Wednesday, at a minimum, will be an article that will help you in a particular area.

For example, there will be ones on workplace investigations, covering areas like building rapport, dealing with a disruptive support person, planning an investigation and so on.

If you want to be notified of when they are all published, the easiest thing to do is subscribe to the IR Simplified email newsletter, which you can do by following this link.

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