63: No sex for pollies, Hubspot’s thoughts on PIPs, and more

In this episode we will be jumping between the sheets and talking about the bonking ban that PM Turnbull has implemented.

I also share my thoughts on the following:

  • A recent article in “the conversation” titled “A new definition of ‘worker’ could protect many from exploitation”
  • A LinkedIn Update by Tracy Spicer where she asked for thoughts on possible legislative changes to reduce sexual harassment/indecent assault in the Australian workplace.
  • An article by the Sales software service Hubspot on how to respond to a pip.
  • And finally, burn through the marketing spin that the fair work act is confusing.

Links Mentioned:

LinkedIn update: The PM’s “bonking ban”

LinkedIn update: Leader’s should lead.

LinkedIn update: New classification of worker

The Conversation article: A new definition of ‘worker’ could protect many from exploitation

LinkedIn update: Sharing Tracy Spicer’s LinkedIn update

LinkedIn update: Hubspot’s take on PIPs. (Performance Improvement Plans)

LinkedIn update: The Fair Work Act isn’t complex or confusing