Understanding The Fair Work Act

This course will give the participant a basic understanding of the Fair Work Act.

Module 1 Introduction
Lesson 1 Why Do This Course  
Lesson 2 What To Expect  
Module 2 Employing Staff
Lesson 1 Position Description  
Lesson 2 Types Of Employment  
Lesson 3 Advertising A Vacancy  
Lesson 4 When They Start  
Module 3 National Employment Standards
Lesson 1 The National Employment Standards  
Lesson 2 Quiz:  
Module 4 Modern Awards
Lesson 1 What Are Modern Awards?  
Lesson 2 What Modern Award Applies To Your Business?  
Lesson 3 Where To Get Help  
Lesson 4 Quiz  
Module 5 Enterprise Agreements
Lesson 1 What Are Enterprise Agreements?  
Lesson 2 Should You Get One?  
Lesson 3 How To Get An Enterprise Agreement  
Lesson 4 Quiz  
Module 6 General Protections
Lesson 1 What Are The "General Protections"?  
Lesson 2 Minimising Adverse Action Risk  
Lesson 3 Quiz  
Module 7 Small Business
Lesson 1 What Is A Small Business  
Lesson 2 The Small Business Fair Dismissal Code  
Lesson 3 Quiz  
Module 8 Unions
Lesson 1 Dealing With Unions  
Lesson 2 Right of Entry  
Lesson 3 Quiz  
Module 9 Termination of Employment
Lesson 1 Unfair Dismissal  
Lesson 2 Redundancy  
Lesson 3 Adverse Action Dismissal  
Lesson 4 Quiz  
Module 10 Regulatroy Bodies
Lesson 1 Fair Work Commission  
Lesson 2 Fair Work Ombudsman  
Lesson 3 Registered Organisations Comission  
Lesson 4 Quiz