Industrial Relations is one of those interesting areas where despite very little changing legislation wise, there is always something happening in it.
As industrial relations professionals, we need to stay abreast of these changes, and developments. One of the easiest ways to do this is through the use of technology.
With this in mind, and in no particular order are 5 essential tools that I believe every industrial relations practitioner should be using.
Ever since I discovered this app in 2011, I have been a full blown convert to it, and would be lost without it. The software is useable across all platforms and devices. Something that you start on your Mac or PC can be synced with, and continued on your smartphone/tablet.
Not only are there browser plugins that will allow you to clip webpages to be stored in Evernote, there are apps that will allow you to draw free-hand, and even a smart notebook from Moleskine that has been created with Evernote in mind.
With both paid and free versions of Evernote available, it won’t cost you anything to try it out. In fact, if you follow the link, and install Evernote on you computer, you will get free access to the premium version for one month.