You are about to begin your journey to simplifying industrial relations.
If you are new to industrial relations the following articles make a good starting point.
- What is industrial relations?
- What is a trade union?
- Workplace Bullying. What is it?
- Enterprise Agreements. What are they?
There is also the IR Simplified Podcast, and the LinkedIn group Australian Industrial Relations.
High Income Threshold
Employers should be aware that from 1 July 2018, the high-income threshold is set to increase to $145,400.00. This means the maximum amount of compensation payable for a successful unfair dismissal claim increases to $72,700.00.
Recent articles and podcast episodes
- Ombudsman’s Review Fails Small Businesses
- Q & A: Time Off To Care For Pets
- I Can’t Recall
- Leading Questions. Should You Or Shouldn’t You?
- Can An Employee “Take The Fifth”?
- Using The OODA Loop In Workplace Investigations
- Tips On How To Simplify Industrial Relations
- Privacy of staff records for domestic violence leave, finger print dismissal appeal, and more
- Q&A: Do we pay workers for public holidays while they’re on unpaid leave?